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How does it work?

We are passionate about creating equal and vibrant employment opportunities for people with learning disabilities, neurodiversity’s and mental health problems to find paid employment and allow talent to reach its full potential.

Every pathway to employment is unique, but the strong sense of achievement and independence will always remain the same.

We work with clients to identify a suitable employment pathway, with opportunities across a range of exciting sectors like hospitality, healthcare, leisure and logistics. Regular check-in sessions will help you to review your progress, and personalised training ensures you feel confident every step of the way.

Intern learning on a box full of mail


I can’t wait to get my first wage and give back to my mum!
Intern learning on a box full of mail


The team has been amazing, it feels like a mini family!
Intern learning on a box full of mail


Callum allowed his sense of purpose to take over!
Hotel Brooklyn Gareth Lowe 22

Bespoke Employment Pathways

Utilising our growing network of inclusive employers, we offer bespoke one-to-one job coaches to work with clients to secure experience in real work settings, often resulting in paid employment.

This tailor-made package of support allows people with a learning difficulty, autism and neurodiversity to progress in their chosen career with one-to-one support for full integration into the workplace.


Supported Internships

Individual Placement and Support

We can help people experiencing mental health-related problems to find work to help aid their recovery. Employment is proven to have a positive impact on everyday life, improving self-belief and optimism for the future.

IPS Specialists bridge the gap between healthcare and employment, working with the employer and employee to sustain the placement for as long as possible, or to help the client into a different job.

Employment Case Studies

Want to know more about Inclusive Careers across Pure Innovations, or hear from the people we have supported? Take a look at our latest case studies below and discover how paid employment is transforming lives.

Pure Innovations Employment
Hannah taking a selfie in NHS uniform

Hannah’s Journey with the NHS

Hannah isn’t defined by her Autism and Dyslexia. Yes, it often impacts every day tasks – but her motivation to achieve her ambitions is much, much more apparent. After being introduced to Hannah through The Manchester College, she soon enrolled her onto our Supported Internship programme in 2022, before starting her first placement at Wythenshawe…
Read Story Hannah’s Journey with the NHS